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Conclusion A week ago, we concluded our Gulf Coast Energy Immersion Trip. Twelve days of packed schedules and intense experiential learning left us completely wiped out, ready for winter break. But after hearing from all types of different stakeholders from the Norco community directly impacted by Shell’s petrochemical plant, to senior executives at Exxon Mobil, to workers at Gulf Copper’s offshore rig docking site we are left with more questions than answers. Where does the future of energy lie? How do we manage our current energy needs while preparing for and trying to mitigate the devastation of our climate? How do we include everyone’s voices during such a pivotal moment in time? Rewinding to the beginning of our trip, these ‘hows’ once started as simple ‘whats’: What does the energy landscape look like in the U.S., and specifically in the TX/LA Gulf Coast region? Who’s impacted? What are the current debates? We first learned about the upstream part of the process: ho...

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