On the Road: Day 2 (Pt. 1)

Thursday, March 15
Leaving Harrisburg, PA
Shelbi Fitzpatrick:

(Mary Versa - one of our fearless drivers) 

The crew woke bright and early in Harrisburg, PA, ready for another day of traveling. We loaded into our vans and set off, our final destination being Montgomery, WV. The second day of traveling brought with it a sense of familiarity and comfort from person-to-person. We began to rely on one another for laughs, stories, and entertainment which brought a light and fun atmosphere to a 7 hour van ride.

(Emily - The knitting professional)

Sitting in the front as the navigation pilot, I turned around when I heard the sound of a ukulele being played. I saw a car full of once-was strangers beginning to transform into friends, sharing their personal interests, talents, and passions. Emily began to play Riptide by Vance Joy on her ukulele and Coco began singing (beautifully I might add). Lily requested we listen to one of her favorite podcasts - 99% Invisible. Later, Mary Versa played her favorite choral song through the aux, South Dakota Shadows Suite by Jackson Berkey. I navigated and relished in the sounds I heard and scenery I saw.

(Coco - A musician and vocalist) 

The van was flooded with a mix of music and podcasts, 21 questions, crunches of celery, whiffs of clementines, “how much further”s, humming, singing, lots and lots of napping, laughter, knitting, reading, and stories about growing up in Vancouver/Connecticut (Lily), China/Texas (Coco), Oregon (Emily), Pennsylvania (Mary Versa), and Montana.

 (Lily - Podcast Queen and 21 Question Champion)

With a car ride full of talented and amazing individuals with diverse backgrounds, I'm excited to carry the relationships that we've built to learn together in Montgomery. 


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